The Thinking Partnerships Programme

The Thinking Environment® is a radical and ground-breaking approach to developing others - whether individuals or teams. Focussed around a particular quality of listening called generative attention (which involves listening with both head and heart), it has been described as “the most respectful, gentle and generous way to work with people to facilitate change.”  
(JP McIvor)
Recent developments in neuroscience are proving what Thinking Environment practitioners have known all along: that listening with generative attention is one of the best ways to enable potentially dramatic transformations in other people. And being listened to in this way might well be the most effective self-development tool there is.

The 3-day Thinking Partnerships Course is highly experiential, and teaches the skill of generative attention through direct experience of the heart of this work: one-to-one Thinking Sessions.   
With only four to six participants, you will have Anne’s personal attention and the opportunity to develop the skills of being a “Thinking Partner” in an intimate, confidential setting, as well as the direct experience of gaining new ideas and insights for yourself as the “Thinker”.

With this course you have a tool for life.   

For bookings or more information: 

The Thinking Partnership: Listening to ignite the Human Mind
Dates: September 2024
Venue: Richmond-upon-Thames
Course fee 
£1050 + VAT
The fee includes 3 days of tuition and all materials.  We begin with two days in person in spa hotel in a beautiful setting at the edge of Richmond Park, overlooking a view of the River Thames that, uniquely, is protected by Act of Parliament.  

The third day will be online on Zoom, a few weeks later.  For the in-person days all refreshments and lunch each day are included, as well as course reference materials to take away.

Staged payments or bursaries are always available, if you are very keen to do the course but cost is an issue.  Please do ask (in total confidence).


Further Development

For those who are interested to deepen their skill and expertise, the Thinking Partnerships programme is the pre-requisite for the Coach qualification offered by Time to Think Ltd., of which Anne is a Faculty member. 

 For more details