Mentoring and Supervision

"When I first trained as a Time to Think Coach with Nancy Kline, way back in 1993, I found that questions that I wanted to ask my client popped into my head all the time - and the challenge was not to interrupt, and to let go of my questions in order to continue giving them the highest possible quality of attention, to support their own independent thinking.
After a while, as I continued to learn to listen deeply, I noticed that these questions disappeared - often as the client touched on their answers anyway, or as their thinking moved in an entirely different direction to where I might have taken them, had I interrupted. But then, just very occasionally, I noticed a question that didn’t go away...."
Working with people as a coach, facilitator, trainer or consultant is enormously rewarding - and can often throw up challenges. We may find ourselves juggling priorities, managing our own energy; perhaps drawn in to others’ projections, or finding our boundaries, values or assumptions challenged.
This is where supervision - the opportunity to reflect on our practice and to think through the issues we’re facing with an experienced supervisor - can be invaluable if we are to keep our work fresh and effective. Supervision is increasingly a requirement of our professional bodies.
In a typical session with me, we’ll start by acknowledging your successes. Then we’ll take the time for you to think through the issues as far as possible for yourself, helping you to tap into your own deep wisdom, through the quality of my attention and encouragement for you. After that, I’ll share, only with your permission, my own learnings - often from the times it’s all gone horribly wrong for me! I’ll occasionally offer (again with your agreement, and, of course, only if one comes to me) the “question that won’t go away”* that I’ve grown to recognise and trust as potentially the key to a breakthrough. Others have described my approach as “walking beside you while you develop a reflective practice”.
Do drop me an email to arrange a confidential, no-obligation conversation about your needs and how I might be able to help. I look forward to hearing from you!

“Working with Anne has brought a new dimension to my coaching and training. Anne facilitates an opportunity for me to think through my challenges and opportunities in a way that fosters clarity and creativity.
Anne brings a wealth of experience, knowledge and wisdom to our supervision together with heartfelt insight that encourages me to go to the edge of my thinking and creates new possibilities for my personal growth.
What I appreciate about Anne is her non-judgmental approach and the complete humility from which she comes.
I wholeheartedly recommend Anne for coaching supervision – you will be in for an unmissable treat!”
Jane Adshead-Grant, PCC, CCM
Executive and Mentor Coach

"Supervision that is congruent with my philosophy and practice is important because it affirms and deepens my mode of working with clients. Having previously worked with two supervisors – one from within the Thinking Environment, one more directive – I have found supervision in a Thinking Environment profoundly more resourcing, more consistently valuable and a space in which I hold myself rigorously to account – while still having access to qualitative and developmental input."
Claire Andrews, WABC
International Executive Coach